Kits Challenge

About the Race

Race Date: August 16, 2025

Location: Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver BC.

Distances: 750m, 1.5 km, 3 km, 6 km, 4 x 1.5 km Relay - Course Map

Early Bird registration is open!

Registration Deadline

Registration closes one full week in advance of the event date. This year registration closes on August 9th 11:55 pm PDT.

Please ensure you are registered by this deadline. At each Kits Challenge there are people who believe they are registered when they are not. As we are now using TeamUp, you can check your registration on TeamUp. Each swimmer needs to register individually so you can accept the waiver and refund policy.

If you need to edit your race details you may do so before the end of registration. You can do this by logging into your TeamUp account, going to the “My Account” tab, and then clicking on your name under Profiles.  This should load your profile where you can scroll to edit various forms. Note TeamUp will still allow you to edit this after the close of registration but we cannot guarantee any changes made after this date will be honored.

There’s no late registration and no registration the day of the race. This is for safety reasons and so we have enough time to coordinate with Sportstats and get ready for each swimmer at the event.

For questions about the race please contact


We acknowledge the registration form asks for binary genders (male or female) and “other” and for age. These answers matter for Sportstats global ranking and some individuals in our community want a global ranking. We have contacted Sportstats to ask for more inclusive categories, but this may not be ready for the race.

For technical problems with registration please contact

Registration Fees

Category Registration Fee
Early Bird (Until May 31st) $55 (note that relay team members MUST register individually)
Regular (June 1st – July 16th) $65 (note that relay team members MUST register individually)
Late (July 16th – Aug 9th) $75 (note that relay team members MUST register individually)

VOWSA strives to include everyone possible. This year we are opting for need-based as opposed to age-based discounts. If you would like to enter this race and these registration fees present a barrier to participation, please contact Iris at

Race Waiver

You must accept the waiver for this event during the registration process. You do not need to print it and bring it to the event.

Participants under 19 years old must agree to fill out the assumption of risk document during the registration process and you must print it and bring this assumption of risk document to the event.

Relay Teams

You can enter as a relay team for the Kits Challenge. It’s a 4 x 1.5km race. Your team can have between 2-4 people. Each person must register and pay individually. When you register and put in your distance, we ask for your relay team name. You need to register individually so we can capture your emergency contact information and acceptance of the waiver and refund policy.

Please note that ticket sales are first come, first served. We don’t hold tickets for a relay team – everyone draws from the same pool of 250 tickets. If you’re on a relay team and one of your relay team members registers after the tickets are sold out, then you’re out of luck. Please register early to avoid this disappointment.

Race Schedule

Check-in Times

  • 7:00 am — Check-in begins for 3 & 6 km
  • 8:00 am — Check-in closes for 3 & 6 km
  • 8:30 am — Check-in begins for 750m & 1.5 km
  • 9:30 am — Check-in closes for 750m & 1.5 km

Failure to check-in during the appropriate check-in period will result in entry cancellation.

Race Start Times

  • 8:30 am — 6 km Solo & Relay
  • 8:45 am — 3 km
  • 9:45 am — 1.5 km
  • 10:00 am – 750m

Start times are approximate and may be delayed.

Course Cut-offs

VOWSA tries to give as much time as possible for swimmers to complete their preferred distance, however, discretionary cut-offs may be implemented by the Race Director and/or lifeguard team.  For 2023, all swimmers must be out of the water by 11:30am, which allows 3 hours for the 6k swim and relay , 2 hours 45 minutes for the 3k, and 1 hour 45 minutes for the 1.5k, and 1 hour 30 minutes for the 750m swim.  If you have concerns about completing your race in time email the race directors at to switch to a shorter distance free of charge up until the close of registration.


Wetsuits are not mandatory for this race event, but for safety reasons you must let us know at check-in if you plan to change from wetsuit to non-wetsuit, or vice versa. If you fail to inform us of a change of wetsuit category, you will be disqualified.

Don’t have a wetsuit? Talk to Team Aquatic Supplies.

Weather and Water Quality

Kitsilano Beach Weather Link

Kitsilano Beach Water Quality Report

VOWSA reserves the right to reschedule or cancel events if water conditions are unsafe. VOWSA reserves the right to refuse entry based on safety or health concerns or previous violations of official rules.


Previous years’ results can be found on the SportStat website by searching for Kits Challenge.